I finished the blue stripy vest just on time for the end of the yarn diet, and actually wore it to class on Thursday.
I also started a pair of Pomatomus socks in one of the Trecking colors I just ordered. I LOVE the color, but the sock leg turned out too tight, so I decided to turn them into wrist warmers. I neede pretty ones anyway, so these will definitely fit the bill:
It's a crappy picture, but trust me, they are really very pretty!
I also went yarn shopping (in March, mind you! I didn't break the rules of the yarn diet.) at Loopy Yarns, that was a very nice little yarn shop with a very nice selection of yarn and not too high prices. I'll have to post about my purchases at another time, as it's getting way too late, and I need some shut-eye.
Well done, I love the vest, and you'll look very much the "artiste" with your Pomatomus wrist warmers.
I LOVE the vest. I assume it is your own pattern?
Stunning vest. I like your stripe sequences and colors.
cute vest! it looks comfy :)
What a great idea to change the socks into wrist warmers! The vest looks very comfortable, and the fit just right.
Onpa jumalattoman kauniit "hanskan alut"! Pitkästä aikaa kurkkasin tänne:)
Todella hienot tulossa noista Pomatomus-versioista! Itse asiassa paljon hienommat kuin sukista. Eihän noin hienoa kuviota voi jalkaan laittaa... Itse menin purkamaan omani, koska jouduin "poolauksen" (:D) takia vaihtamaan lankaa joka kerroksella ja se oli vähän hermostuttavaa!
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