It's not so much a pattern book, but more of an art book. Knitted art. A wondreful resource that opens your mind to new ways of doing things. Debbie New proves that you don't always have to knit everything straight from top to bottom or bottom to top. You can go in swirls, circles and labyrinths. The fashion is a little dated, but it's not the style of the garments that matters, it's the techniques. You can always adapt the technique to your own style.
After reading this book, I feel... liberated! I've had several ideas for socks that can't be done very well using any traditional technique, but now I know what to do! I think using the ideas from this book, I can not only draw the ideas I have, but also knit them. This will be so much fun! I can't wait to start experimenting! Here's a picture from the book of swirl socks:
Talking about Trecking, I'd seen some colors that I couldn't find anywhere, at least not more than one or two of them in the same place. But then I found this German yarn shop that had tons of colors! Maybe even all of them... I think I have almost all of the darker, more saturated colors from the row with numbers 71-77. And ordering from there with overseas shipping was actually cheaper than buying from here at a local yarn store. And once I had the kinks worked out with Paypal, my shipment came very fast! I was most happy with the service, and will definitely order from there again.
those swirl socks are beautiful! i am looking forward to see how your socks will look.
oooh, thanks for the trekking link. i've been meaning to get some for socks for the hubby :)
Brava! on the swirl pattern. I'll look forward to your ground breaking efforts (in Trekking - What a great idea). Lead on!
Wow! That really looks like an interesting sock project. I look forward to seeing it completed.
Ihanaa! Juuri tuollaista oon kaivannut neulontaankin. Mutta onko se teknisesti hankalaa? Viimeistelen juuri vapaavirkkauksella uhmikselle liiviä; tykkään tekniikasta sen helppouden vuoksi. Kun ei ole mitään sääntöjä, ei voi tehdä mitään väärinkään.
Saisikohan kirjaa Suomesta? Jos ei saa, niin taidan tarvita hieman tilausapua;)
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