As usual, I got a lot of knitting done while in the air and at the airports (I wasn't knitting while standing in line, though, which is probably why I didn't actually finish anything.) I'm going through a spout of startitis, and so I started another new project before finishing the previous one. But I wanted something good for travel knitting, which a sweater is usually not, because you have to measure so often. And what would be more perfect than a scarf! I'd had my eyes on the Clementine shawlette from the Interweave Knits spring 07 issue. I decided to use the blue sock yarn ("Sea glass") that I recently dyed. I ran out of yarn, though, and had to dye some more, when I got home to be able to finish.
Talking about Interweave Knits, I think the patterns get weirder and weirder in every issue, and I've actually decided to let my subscription expire. I'm voting with my dollars, because I feel that the number of quality patterns is diminishing in the magazine, and it's not what I want to read any more. The only pearls in the bunch in the last issue were Veronik's Spiral boot socks and Kate Gilbert's Syncopated hats. But what is up with Blouson? or the Wing top? They look more like a combination of all the mistakes and bad knitting or design that I always try to avoid. Every magazine is going to have something that I wouldn't necessarily want to knit, but I think the majority of the patterns shoud be decent. At least so that they are inspiring and nice to look at, even though I may not want to wear the particular piece of clothing myself. What I want to see is well thought through designs and clever details, not a bunch of stuff thrown together without a single thought towards fit or novel ideas. I can't wait to see what Eunny can do with this magazine...
About the red socks in the last post, I will definitely write up the pattern, it's very easy. I'm trying to decide how to write my patterns, though. Should I write them in great detail so that even a beginning knitter can figure out what to do, or less detail so that you would have to know how to do certain things without explanation. Such as, "rnd 87, begin neck steek". Should I explain how to do a steek? Also sock heels, somebody who has knitted at least a few pairs of socks, knows how a heel works and only needs a few numbers to be able to replicate the heel in the pattern. And experienced knitters have a bad habit of changing the pattern anyway, especially when it comes to the heel -everybody's got their own favorite. Anyhow, I'm sort of leaning towards the "less details" way of writing them, mostly because it takes so long to write a pattern describing every little technique, but then the patterns would be less universal, and maybe not usable by less experienced knitters. What do you think?